Animals see the world very differently, now you will also be able to know this, new camera technology will help!

Animals see the world very differently, now you will also be able to know this, new camera technology will help!

Till now all the pictures and videos of nature were made. He only explained how things appeared to humans. Now new technology has made a big increase in it. Pictures made with new camera technology will now show what animals see. This technology will bring huge changes in research and film making, as well as people will be able to see such pictures which are visible to animals and birds.

Every creature in the world has a different way of seeing, so every animal sees the world differently. But man did not know much about this. Apart from this, many animals, such as bees and some birds can even see ultraviolet radiation, which is not possible for humans. The reason for this is that the eyes of the viewer are different.

Scientists need to see many things from the animals’ point of view. With this they can know and understand animals better. To deal with such challenges, researchers created a special camera and software so that natural situations can be captured in the way animals are able to see.

There is so much difference between a sight seen by humans and a sight seen by animals. (Photo: DANIEL HANLEY)

The pictures of this camera clearly show how much difference there is in the vision of humans and animals. This technology is going to bring a huge change in the way scientists and filmmakers work. This technology has been created by research led by Vera Vasas of Sussex University, UK, and colleagues at Henley Lab of George Mason University, America.

Also read: So now even planting trees poses a threat to animals? Children suddenly started dying, when they discovered the reason, scientists were shocked.

Through this technology, the camera is able to capture the scene in such color combinations as the animal’s eyes capture. This will open new dimensions of scientific research. Now filmmakers will be able to show in their films what the animal looks like in reality. The special thing about the software of this camera is that it is open source. This will enable researchers to develop it further.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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